Thin-film interference coatings are synthesized and deposited in the spectral range from 240 nm to 13 mcm. These include the following films:
- antireflecting coatings for one or several wavelengths, including broadband films;
- high-reflectivity coatings, including the ones with given reflection coefficient;
- filters (edge, band-pass, narrow-band filters) and spectrum splitters;
- split coatings, including nonpolarizing ones;
- polarizing coatings.
Fiber-optical elements
are developed and fabricated using polished single-mode fibers (PANDA type isotropic and anisotropic fibers):
- polarizers with high extinction coefficient and loss less than 0.1 dB at the wavelengths of 0.85 mcm, 0.98-1.06 mcm, 1.3-1.35 mcm, and 1.5-1.6 mcm;
- spitters with splitting factor varying from 1/99 to 50/50;
- multiplexers and demultiplexers.