Scientific directions
Experimental base
Unique developments
General Information
Scientific directions
Training specialists
Innovation activity
Scientific cooperaton
High-power electronics
Gyroresonance devices
Relativistic microwave electronics
Generation of terahertz radiationby the methods of vacuum electronics
Electrodynamics of multimode systems
Plasma electrodynamics
Millimeter-wave heating and diagnostics of fusion plasma
Interaction of strong electromagnetic radiation with plasma
Physics and applications of gas discharges
Space plasma physics
Physical phenomena in natural environments and their diagnostics
Nonlinear dynamics of the upper ocean
-chemical processes in the atmosphere of the earth and the methods of their diagnostics
Thunderstorm electricity and monitoring of hazardous meteorological phenomena
Radiophysical methods for diagnostics of natural environments
Millimeter- and submillimeter-wave astronomy
Low-frequency ocean acoustics
Long-range sound propagation in the ocean
Acoustic diagnostics and tomography of a shallow sea
Coherent methods of sea bottom sounding
High-power hydroacoustic sources
Hydroacoustic antenna complexes and methods for acoustic field exploration
Physical acoustics and methods of acoustic diagnostics
Nonlinear acoustics of structurally inhomogeneous media
Coherent seismoacoustics
Acoustic diagnostics of biological media
Acoustic design
Instruments and equipment for vibro- and hydroacoustic measurements
Nonlinear dynamics
Self-action, gradient catastrophe, and wave collapse
Solitons, breathers, and localized vortices in hydrodynamics
Patio-temporal dynamics of nonlinear fields in dissipative nonequilibrium media
Collective processes of activity and control in neuromorphic dynamic networks
Patterns of functional activity of neuron-like cognitive systems
Empirical predictive models of complex systems
Laser physics and nonlinear optics
Generating extreme laser fields
Application of extreme laser fields
Femtosecond and attosecond optics
High average power pulsed lasers
Materials for nonlinear optics
Precision optical diagnostics
Quantum systems
Coherent quantum optics and information technologies
ltracold gas of fermi atoms and bose molecules
Microscopic theory of the second-order phase transitions and critical phenomena
Collective spontaneous radiation and superradiant d-class lasers
Intracavity generation of infrared and terahertz radiation in heterolasers