Nonlinear waves' 2004
Edited by academician A. V. Gaponov-Grekhov, Dr.Sc. in physics & mathematics V. I. Nekorkin — Nizhny Novgorod: IAP RAS, 2005. — 544 p.
The book includes review lectures and papers based on the lectures given at XII-th School in Nonlinear Waves (Nizhny Novgorod, 29 February – 7 March, 2004). Spatio-temporal chaos, pattern formation, synchronization, dynamics of waves, nonlinear phenomena occurring in plasma and optics, as well as during the interaction of superstrong fields with substance, mathematical problems of nonlinear dynamics, and other problems concerned with nonlinear waves are considered.
The book is intended for specialists working in the field of nonlinear phenomena, as well as for graduate and post-graduate students of the corresponding specialities.
Reviewed by Dr.Sc. in phys. & math. V. D. Shalfeev, Dr.Sc. in phys. & math. V.P.Ponomarenko
The school and the book were supported by the Minister of industry, science and engineering of Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Fund of Fundamental Researches, RFNC-VNIIEF, “Polaris” Ltd., “Intel”, Spectra-Physics.