Зеленогорский Виктор Владимирович
Университет Лобачевского, 2001, физика
Область научных интересов:
физика лазеров, термооптика, оптическая керамика, фазовые измерения
Профессиональная карьера:
ИПФ РАН, мнс с 2003, нс с 2010
Визиты в США с 2001 – 2010 по сотрудничеству с проектом LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory)
Визиты в 2012 по сотрудничеству с DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
Членство в профессиональных организациях:
членство в IEEE, SPIE и OSA
Награды, премии, гранты:
Участие в 7 грантах РФФИ
Количество публикаций:
24 статьи
Наиболее значительные работы и результаты:
High-precision methods and devices for in-situ measurements of thermally induced aberrations in optical elements
There was created an optical system that incorporates two remote control devices: a broadband optical interferometer and a scanning Hartmann sensor. Results of numerical modeling are presented. They are in good agreement with experimental results that we obtained in our investigation of surface heating of a fused-silica sample by both devices
Adaptive compensation of thermally induced phase aberrations in Faraday isolators by means of a DKDP crystal
Adaptive compensation of thermal lens in a Faraday isolator using a DKDP crystal was investigated. Thermal lens measurements were made with a modification of the conventional Hartmann sensor – a 2D scanning Hartmann sensor. Our experiments showed that a DKDP crystal does not influence the isolation ratio of Faraday isolator and efficiently compensates for thermal lens. Without compensation the losses were measured to be about 25% for 45 W radiation power and were compensated to less than 0.5% by a negative thermal lens in a 5.5 mm-thick DKDP crystal. Numerical extrapolation of experimental data to a higher power range has shown that for the powers up to 150 W, power losses can be made less than 5%.
Influence of the photoelastic effect on the thermal lens in a YLF crystal
The thermal lens in an YLF crystal is calculated taking into account the anisotropy of the thermal conductivity, elasticity, linear expansion, and refractive index. It is proved that the experimentally observed strong astigmatism of the thermal lens in YLF can be explained only taking into account the photoelastic effect. It is shown that, in an YLF crystal cut so that the optical axis lies in the plane of the rod face, the contribution to the thermal lens is made only by three photoelastic coefécients for the ordinary wave and only by two coefficients for the extraordinary wave. Using these five photoelastic coefficients as fitting parameters, all the known experimental data are quantitatively interpreted.
Сканирующий кросс–коррелятор для мониторинга однородных трехмерных эллипсоидальных лазерных пучков
Рассмотрены особенности экспериментальной реализации кросс-коррелятора со скоростью сканирования свыше 1600 см/c и амплитудой пространственной задержки более 15мм. Продемонстрирована возможность измерения длительности фемтосекундных импульсов, распространяющихся в цуге продолжительностью 300мкс с частотой повторения 1МГц. Достигнуто временное разрешение 300фс при максимальном временном окне измерения 50пс. Кросс-коррелятор предназначен для тестирования 3-D импульсов излучения лазерного драйвера фотоинжектора электронов.