Atmospheric and Climate Sciences (ACS) is an international journal (Open Access) dedicated to the latest advancement of applied and climate atmospheric science. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of applied climate and atmospheric sciences.


+ Agricultural climatology
+ Air chemistry and the boundary layer, clouds and weather modification
+ Applied meteorology
+ Atmospheric acoustics, electricity, optics, physics, radiation and sounding
+ Atmospheric sciences
+ Aviation climatology
+ Biometeorology
+ Building climatology and forestry climatology
+ Climate Change and Broadcast Meteorology
+ Climate dynamics and variability
+ Clouds and precipitation physics
+ Cosmical meteorology
+ Dendroclimatology
+ Hydrometeorology
+ Marine meteorology and meteorology-associated geophysics
+ Medical meteorology and medical climatology
+ Meteorological, climatological and atmospheric environmental issues
+ Navigation climatology
+ Phenology and paleoclimatology
+ Polar meteorology
+ Radar meteorology and radio meteorology
+ Remote sensing
+ Satellite meteorology and synoptic meteorology
+ Tropical meteorology
+ Weather systems, numerical weather prediction

Editorial Board:

Editor in Chief
Dr.   Shaocai Yu, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USA
Editorial Board
Prof. Viney P. Aneja, North Carolina State University, USA
Dr.   Jørgen Brandt, Aarhus University, Denmark
Prof. Chak K. Chan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Prof. Yoon-Seok Chang, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea (South)
Dr.   Barbara Ervens, CIRES, University of Colorado, and NOAA/ESRL, USA
Dr.   Guobin Fu, CSIRO Land and Water, Australia
Dr.   Andreas Hofzumahaus, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Germany
Dr.   Daniel A. Knopf, Stony Brook University, USA
Prof. Yanqing Lian, University of Illinois, USA
Prof. Athanasios Nenes, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Junboum Park, Seoul National University, Korea (South)
Dr.   Alessandro Pezzoli, Turin Polytechnic, Italy
Prof. Nicole Riemer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Dr.   Rajib Shaw, Kyoto University, Japan
Prof. Daniel Tong, US NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, USA
Dr.   Krishna Prasad Vadrevu, University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Julian X. L. Wang, US NOAA Air Resources Laboratory, USA
Prof. Tijian Wang, Nanjing University, China
Dr.   Jianjun Xu, University of Arizona, USA
Prof. Fangqun Yu, State University of New York at Albany, USA
Prof. Qiang Zhang, Sun Yat-sen University, China

Authors' Guidelines:

+ All manuscripts must be prepared in English.
+ Review paper is warmly welcome.
+ Submit your paper via online submission system papersubmission.
+ To expedite the review process, please format your reference as the guideline,
+ Please visit journal homepage for more information.

Shirley Zhou
Editorial Office of ACS
Scientific Research Publishing, USA